6. 6. 2017

The first concert in the location of the new Concert Hall

Jaroslav Ježek composed his well known Bugatti Step after meeting with Luis Chiron during races in Masaryk Circuit. That composition was the first one played in the location of the new Concert Hall by pianist and the Philharmonic´s soilist of the season Igor Ardašev. The untraditional concert in helmets and in high-visibility vests took place on the base board in the depth of 10 metres. We used this event to filmed a video spot for supporting the buiding of the new Concert Hall so there was no audience during the concert. Igor Ardašev said: „I have never performed on the place like this one. I have to admit there was a surprisingly great acoustics.“ The spot is going to be out during autumn but you can find a report about this event in section „Napsali o nás“.